South Bend Indiana   574.257.1929
LaPorte Indiana   219.362.9095
    Corporate fax  219.362.9097



Affordable Disaster Recovery (DR) Services
Built For Small Business


Can your business operate smoothly for two days without your servers? How about a week? Or even a month?

If your business is like most small businesses, you have processes in place to handle the loss of your server for one or two days, but having a traditional system that allows for longer outages would rob you of the flexibility and efficiency you need to survive in today’s ultra-competitive environment.

 So a traditional system is out, but how about a new approach that leverages your current investment in technology instead of duplicating it?

Disaster Recovery




Disasters take many forms

 If you associate the phrase “Disaster Recovery” primarily with events such as 9/11 and Katrina, you are probably joining many small-business managers in questioning the value of a DR system, considering the odds against such misfortune.

 In actuality, while network design & management's  DR system is designed to provide a reasonable balance between cost and protection in the event of major catastrophes like fires and storms, our systems are likely to be put into use much more frequently and for reasons more mundane than many expect.

 Over the years, ndmg has employed elements of our DR system to aid clients in recovering from such typical problems as network viruses, hardware failures, stolen equipment, and even faulty software patches.

 And, since recovery to a standby system typically takes just hours, ndmg’s DR system can be your ticket to getting your business running again (and protecting your bottom line.)


Disaster recovery requires more than just a backup system

 While the two terms are often interchanged by many people, DR and backup systems serve two distinctly different, yet related, functions. In general, the purpose of a backup system is to provide the ability to retrieve company data, while our DR system focuses on providing a means of using that data.


Time to weigh your options

 For disasters involving hardware issues, having the ability to recover to a standby system means repair / replace decisions can focus on achieving the best long-term results for your company, and not simply on achieving the quickest resolution. In some cases, this will mean staying on the standby server until a completely new system can be procured and configured, while other situations will only require holding off until replacement parts arrive. Either way, you get the time to make the right decision for your company.


Disaster Recovery Services



network consulting


Making it work

 Five years in the making, ndmg’s DR system reflects our commitment to bringing enterprise-class functionality to our small business clients. Starting with an understanding of several advanced technologies, such as hardware virtualization and online disk imaging for servers, we blended in our experience working with commodity hardware and created a simple, quick, and affordable DR solution for small businesses.



Service Packages

 Network design and management group Disaster Recovery Service Enrollment - $380 for the first server,
$330 for additional servers

  • Includes online disk imaging software
  • Requires approximately 2 hours per server for initial configuration and imaging

Monthly Storage Service- $50 per 75GB unit ($50 minimum)

  • Three drive rotation (images are typically taken monthly)
  • Each image is stored on two drives, each drive typically has two complete images of a single server
  • Drives are dedicated to a single client
  • Off-site storage is provided by ndmg
  • Imaging requires approximately ½ - 1 hour of labor per server if not performed during a regular visit

Recovery Server Usage - $125 per week


* All labor is additional and will be billed at the client’s effective rate as of the date the labor is performed.